The tool is freely available to anyone in 18 languages: Czech, Croatian, German, English, Greek, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, French, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Spanish, Slovenian, Turkish. All you need to do is to register.
TET-SAT aims to trigger teachers' self-reflection, identify learning needs and initiate actions develop competences. Online self-assessment can be used as part of an iterative and formative process in which learners set goals, test ideas, monitor progress and define new goals.
The tool was developed to meet the need identified by ministries of education in 13 European countries for a user friendly and reliable tool to monitor teacher competence, built on teacher self-reflection and empowerment, its evolution and professional development needs over time.
For a short introduction to the tool, have a look at the MENTEP brochure Discover TET-SAT.
For more information about the value – and challenge- of online self-reflection and - assessment, read the 2017 MENTEP brochure 'Online self-assessment. Supporting the reflexive and critical capacity of the teaching profession'.
TET-SAT is an online self-assessment tool that aims to help teachers:
- Develop digital pedagogical competence
- Engage more actively in reflecting on their pedagogical practice using ICT, stimulated by a structured self-assessment exercise providing feedback according to five levels of progression
- Self-direct their learning and develop their competence whenever they want, at their own pace, extending professional development opportunities to informal online learning environments
- Establish a personal competence profile which can be compared to other teachers
- Access a tailored ecosystem of European and national training resources to further develop their competencies according to need or interest.
How TET-SAT works
TET-SAT assesses four dimensions of digital pedagogical competence: digital pedagogy, digital content use and production, digital communication and collaboration and digital citizenship.
Each dimension comprises up to four sub-areas, 15 subareas in total. Each sub-area states one or several competencies, each of which is described according to FIVE levels of progression: Starter, Beginner, Capable, Proficient, Expert. Teachers are invited to position themselves for each competence choosing a statement that most closely describes their practice.
The image below is an example of how the Digital Pedagogy competence is measured. It shows five self-assessment descriptors within the first sub-area 1.1.1 Develop, implement, reflect and redesign ICT supported teaching and learning strategies with ICT learning design competence. Other competencies in the area of Digital Pedagogy include teachers' capacity to design personalized student activities; to design collaborative learning activities with ICT; implement ICT in cross-curricular approaches; to guide students in the use of ICT for self and peer assessment; or to support metacognition strategies and practices with students.
After answering the 30 questions, teachers receive personalised feedback: an overall average score (as a percentage) including a brief explanation of their level, and the percentage for each sub-area. At the bottom of the page teachers receive suggestions for how to develop their competences using national and European ecosystems of training resources mapped against the competence areas of the tool.
Users can also see how their responses compare with those of teachers in their country and with all teachers who have completed TET-SAT.
Our videos
Learn more about the MENTEP project by watching this video!
Why is the online self-assessment tool TET-SAT interesting for teachers? Watch this video!
Curious to see how teachers can use the new self-assessment tool? Check out the following video!
Policy makers learn all about the TET-SAT tool in the video below!