MENTEP is coordinated by European Schoolnet. 16 partners in 13 countries are part of this project: Ministries of Education, other public authorities and delegated bodies of public authorities.
European Schoolnet | Belgium
European Shoolnet, a not-for profit consortium of 34 education ministries, brings more than 20 years of experience as aggregator of educational networks and leader of large-scale trans- national projects related to ICT and European co-operation. Its activities bring it into contact with over 5 million schools. It is therefore well placed develop actions between schools, keeping pace with the concerns of young people, teachers and educational project leaders through projects such as eTwinning and disseminating anti-bullying resources through their repositories of learning content. Moreover, in 10 years coordinating the Insafe network, EUN has developed in-depth knowledge and expertise on online and offline bullying.
National Centre for Pedagogical Documentation | France
National Centre for Pedagogical Resources is a Government body belonging to the French Ministry of Education. Its main activity is to provide pedagogical documents and information to all educational users by publishing books, CD-ROMs, videos, TV broadcasts; and organising information systems to deliver the best possible descriptions of educational resources (both public and private). It has a high level of expertise in educational technological development as well as being a research centre focused on tagging, describing and delivering information to teachers. The CNDP leads 31 regional and 85 local centres, with a total staff of 2,500 persons in France.
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute | Cyprus
The Cyprus Pedagogical Institute is responsible for the in-service training and the professional development of teachers at all levels and all posts. It organises and delivers in-service training for all subjects and cross subject areas, educational technology, educational research and also school based development.
Computer Technology Institute & Press "Diophantus" | Greece
The Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" is a research and technology organization focusing on research and development in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Particular emphasis is placed on education, by developing and deploying conventional and digital media in education and lifelong learning; publishing printed and electronic educational materials; administrating and managing the Greek School Network; and supporting the organization.
The Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies | Italy
The Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP) is a research centre for public policies analysis carrying out in a counterfactual impact evaluation. IRVAPP generally conducts ex-post evaluations. Recently, though, the Institute has been engaged as well in ex-ante evaluation through micro simulations and experimental economics. IRVAPP's research outcomes are collected in Progress Reports, Working Papers and in articles published in scientific journals that can be consulted in this web site.Along with its research activity, IRVAPP deals with the training of researchers, officials and public administrators on impact evaluation issues and on how to use empirical evidence to enhance the design of public policies.
The Centre for International Cooperation in Education | Czech Republic
DZS - Centre for International Services is an organization that has been directly established by the Czech Ministry of Education. It is responsible for European cooperation within the field of ICT in education and for administering a number of European educational programmes in the Czech Republic. The National Agency for European Educational Programmes (NAEP), which is responsible for implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme, is a part of DZS, as is the Czech National eTwinning Support Service.
Finnish National Agency for Education | Finland
The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) is the national agency in Finland with around 270 staff under the Ministry of Education. The EDUFI has a wide range of tasks related to the development of education all through pre-primary and basic education, general upper secondary education, vocational education and training, formal adult education and training, liberal adult education. One of the key tasks is the school National Curriculum.
Directorate-General for Education | Portugal
Direção-Geral da Educação (DGE) is the Directorate-General for Education of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science. DGE's specific remit is to make sure that national policies are implemented regarding the pedagogical and didactic components of pre-school, primary, lower and upper secondary education, as well as the provision of education for children not attending school.
Information technology Foundation for education | Estonia
The Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA) is a non-profit association established by the Republic of Estonia, the University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Eesti Telekom and the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications.">The role of the HITSA is to ensure that the graduates at all levels of education have obtained digital skills necessary for the development of economy and society and the possibilities offered by ICT are skilfully used in teaching and learning, which helps improve the quality of learning and teaching at all levels of education.
National Institute for Documentary Research and Innovation in Education | Italy
INDIRE (Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa) is a public institution with administrative, financial and accounting autonomy, operating at national level, under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Education. INDIRE collaborates with the Italian Ministry of Education in the management of EU programs, projects and initiatives including European Schoolnet. The agency manages the Italian Lifelong Learning agency and the Italian Eurydice Unit and has represented Italy in several European projects.
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport | Spain
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is responsible for setting out and implementing Government policy on professional training and university education, as well as for promoting, protecting and disseminating Spanish historic heritage, state museums, the arts, books, reading and literary creation, film and audiovisual activity, books and state-owned libraries, and for promoting and disseminating culture in Spanish.
Ministry of Education and Culture | Cyprus
The Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) is responsible for a) the administration of education in Cyprus, b) the enforcement of educational laws and the implementation of educational policy, c) the preparation of the education budget and educational bills and e) the construction of school buildings. Currently, there is an ambitious Educational Reform Program in place and one of its main pillars is the preparation of new Curricula for all levels of education.
Centre for ICT in Education | Norway
The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education (Senter for IKT i utdanningen) is an executive agency for the Ministry of Education and Research. The centre was established on 1 January 2010. Its objective is to bring together actors and resources and to facilitate cooperation on ICT in and for the education sector. The primary target groups for the Centre are teacher training and preschool teacher training institutions, local school authorities, school leaders, teachers and preschool teachers.
Agency for IT and Learning | Denmark
The National Agency for It and Learning is the Danish Agency for IT and Learning under The Danish Ministry of Children and Education. We carry out various tasks within the Ministry's goals, framework and regulations. The agency promotes digital development within the area of children and education, and our primary focus is to increase the use of it for education and to support an effective management of institutions by the use of it.
Education Development Centre | Lithuania
ITC is a governmental organisation under the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania responsible for implementation of strategies and programmes for ICT.ctions are focused on several areas, for example on coordination of national strategies and programmes on ICT implementation in education; initiation and coordination of international cooperation on ICT implementation in education; and development, accumulation and dissemination of digital educational content and services.
National Education Institute | Slovenia
The National Education Institute has always had a significant role in the shaping of the Slovenian education system at the pre-university level; it was in charge of introducing changes in the education system and exercised supervision over the work of educational institutions. With the new legislation, with which the supervising function of the Institute had been extinguished, new opportunities for better team co-operation with kindergartens, schools and other institutions.
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