MENTEP (`Mentoring Technology-Enhanced Pedagogy') was a cross-country policy experimentation designed to test the impact of using a self-assessment tool on teachers' digital pedagogical competency development. Running between March 2015 and May 2018 and 7.391 teachers from 496 schools in 11 countries took part in the experiment, the largest randomised controlled trial (RCT) to date, by numbers of participating countries, on teacher training.

MENTEP was based on a paradox. On the one hand, research shows (European Commission, 2013) that most teachers in Europe consider that using digital technology can impact positively on student outcomes. Yet, on the other hand, their own ICT use for teaching and learning and their confidence in their digital skills are low. Thus, there is a need for teachers to be able to develop further their pedagogical use of ICT and thereby translate it into a positive impact on students' learning. Additionally, there is a shortage of data on teachers' technologyenhanced teaching (TET) competency and the MENTEP policy experimentation sought to contribute new data on this.

The project was therefore designed to support and broaden teachers' reflection on their pedagogical practices using ICT in their teaching, their teaching skills and their own learning by providing access to an online self-assessment tool (Technology Enhanced Teaching Self-Assessment Tool, TET-SAT) developed in the project and assess its impact.

National public authorities and 11,000 teachers in 11 partner countries participated in the project: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. European Schoolnet, a network of 34 ministries of Education in Europe coordinated the project and FBK-IRVAPP, the research institute for the evaluation of public policies in Italy, was responsible for the quantitative evaluation of the project.

The new self-assessment tool TET-SAT is freely accessible here.

All project research results and related outputs are available here.

Take a glance at the research method & results and find here a short description of the self-assessment tool (TET-SAT).